Thursday, October 25, 2007

We had a nice family evening not thinking about work

We turned on the heater and tried the fireplace for the first time last night. The house is nice and toasty warm. So I decided I better get busy on Halloweeny stuff. I worked on Cameron's yellow submarine costume. He is very excited.

We carved Pumpkins, 3 in fact. One for each child. They had fun and the Jack-o-Lanterns are now sitting on the front porch. I had a minor pumpkin related injury. I was trying to get one of the pumpkins out of the giant box at the store when it shifted and the stem cut my arm. It was kinda funny and it reminded me of another odd pumpkin related injury I had several years ago. I was carving a pumpkin to look like Charlie Brown when one of the little bits O pumpkin I was trying to pop out became air born and smacked me in the eye. You can get hurt in some pretty funny ways.

So I did some research and here are the facts:
Did you know every year about 5,800 are seen in the ER for pumpkin carving related injuries.
(Actually this is not true but it sounds good. I couldn't find pumpkin stats. It just said a lot of people are treated each October. This is actually the number of people hurt in Christmas tree decorating accidents. I figured Turkey carving, pumpkin carving and tree trimming would probably have similar stats.) So please be careful out there this Halloween and try not to set yourself on fire, or put an eye out, or cut something off that you might prefer to keep.

While I was looking for funny ways people hurt themselves I found this too. Each year there are more than 40,000 toilet related injuries. Wow, you can get hurt doing anything.

Have a fun and safe Halloween!

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