Saturday, September 27, 2008

Sorry state of my blog

Our computer crashed and took all my files with it. Jeff is trying to retrieve the contents of the hard drive. At the moment we are using a very old computer that was out in the garage. It is a bit slow and a lot of programs won't run on it. All my pictures are temporarily(I hope not permanently)unavailable. So my blog is a mess.

When we figure something out I will be able to post pics and the rest of the blog entries. Until then all that will be going up is short blurbs so I can remember what I need to enter later.


Leanna said...

Hello! My name is Leanna and I 'bumped' into you in the Signing Time forums and noticed you also have a child with CP and you live in do I!

If you get your computer working again and would like, pleasee feel free to come over to the blog I started for my baby.

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